Archive for the ‘Thoughts For Today’ Category

Mordvinskaya, 1923_ FV Sychkov_ Smile

A smile. A simple smile,

if genuine, and friendly,

from a stranger, unexpectedly,

can be enough to rescue your day,

your life even, maybe,

delivering hope,

a glimmer of love and beauty,

the best music of Mozart,


in a world of competition and hate.


(To be continued…)








Devushka s Knigoy_ Almeida Junior

Poetic prose beats

prosaic poetry.


(… Definitely!)


(To be continued…)








Robot i Dev, USSR, 1967

The machine, perhaps, “thinks” it is being helpful.

But it is not. In reality it is complicating my lot,

so as to speak, it is messing up.

The machine’s “intelligence”, of course,

has been designed, manufactured and implanted by humans.

It is therefore, by definition, imperfect (as we all are).

It cannot possibly presume to “think” or act in the manner that any given inconsistent human may expect it to; always, mostly, or at any given time.

In short, we cannot rely on it to work as we need or want it to, when we most need or want it to.

And yet, we put our confidence in its allegedly clinical superiority. We put our lives in its hands.

No, it is probably not conspiring against me, or desiring (in itself) to take over the planet.

But, as wise people are wont to feel: trust no one, human, or machine.


(To be continued…)








Thatcher Sells Council Houses 3MMM (Ponzi Scam) (Capitalism)

Screw you and your “empowerment” initiative,

screw your deceptive lies

(your fundraising drive) …

It’s dragging me under into a new level of debt and slavery.

I worry constantly.


(To be continued…)








Adam i Eva_ Albrecht Duerer, 1507


Do you really believe we’re born evil?

I truly feel innocent,

albeit perverted by society.


(To be continued…)








White Sea–Baltic Canal, 1932 v2

One feels compelled to get up early and get on,

to push and strive, catch the worm.

This is good and decent,

godly, they imply,

this is progress.

Pourquoi, I ask: a repeat of yesterday,

or worse?


(To be continued…)








Berlin, Trauung von Joseph und Magda Goebbels

Don’t look too closely,

or you’ll see pieces of yourself in that person you despise,

and/or pity.


and atrocities,

such is humanity.


(To be continued…)









In the midst of an unbearably suffocating valley,

sunshine and torrential rain continue to fall,

vegetation rejoices and grows exponentially,

as I search for a place to lay my head,

freedom from compromise and complication;

seeking elusive peace, rest.

I am, however, not to be regarded with any especial dignity, being, it would seem, not much more than fertilizer.


(To be continued…)








Kafka's Drawings

During the trial, they accused me of being anti-social.

“Anti-social? No!”, rattling the shackles, I declared in my defense.

“I’m anti-idiocy, anti-banality, anti-malicious exploitation.

I despise your castles, loathe your small-talk, detest your cupcakes.

I’m tired of being misrepresented and persecuted:

it is the system, society as it currently manifests, not I, that is debauched and crazy.

If I’m charged with not following your rules, then I embrace your logic, apply it to this case, and declare the trial to be irrelevant and invalid.

The system is unsustainable, it can not last. My thoughts and words will.”


(To be continued…)








Volga Barge Haulers_ Ilya Repin

I want to believe in a better future;

really, I do.

Past and present, alas,

tell me to be pessimistic.


(To be continued…)








Despair_ Devushka. Alone in Rain. Sea (or Flood)

It’s the thought that counts,

so they say;

like missed Birthdays,

molested children,

crucified cats,

and other things that should not be.

Thoughts and memories that will haunt,

certainly do count.


(To be continued…)








Arbeit macht unfrei

Bombardment of words,

and questions for which there is no good answer.

Constant rule changes for no good reason.

Voices chattering, commanding, pecking, nagging.

Confusion, panic, gut-wrenching meaninglessness.

Head spins, throbs,

gray matter seems to be melting like cheese.

… Another day at the office.


(To be continued…)








Space Junk

Disparate trash, rumor, misinformation,

mind confused,

too much circulating, bombarding, affecting gravitational pulls.

Messed up Earth, addled brains,

human urge to destroy continues in space.


(To be continued…)








Boxing Gloves

Mixed feelings, confusion,

nothing fits properly,

this life we find ourselves in:

Constricting, yet empty,

full of demands,

but always something lacking,

stupid things we pursue,

striving and seeking,

but never finding real meaning,

what we think we need.

Dazed, we continue,

jarringly, we end,

hitting the deck,

unfitting friend.


(To be continued…)








Flower Blows, Hope_

When you’re hurting, other people’s suffering isn’t necessarily a priority.

Yet, you understand the pain.

Giving time and money is a luxury, for many,

but compassion, good vibes,

if it helps, I can do.

Ipso facto, best wishes for the world and its people:

drifting gently in the wind.


(To be continued…)








Okno_ Sunshine

Dark day,

seeing my past and future fade away,

too much sunshine, too much glass,

hope disappears in brightness’ glare.

People betray, voices rip and stab,

darkness consumes,

I slip away.


(To be continued…)








Migren, Headache, Tee, Utro

Sometimes, the more I think,

the less it makes sense,

the more it hurts,

the more impossible “success” seems,

the less everything apparently means.

Now is one such time,

alas, one amongst many.

… Agony, intelligence, angst.


(To be continued…)








Savitsky_ Monk, 1897

Even in the best of times,

he knew *that* wasn’t him,

and these *are not* the best of times,

that is certain.

He broods, he frowns,

wryly then he smiles,

an honest, if flawed, man.


(To be continued…)

