Posts Tagged ‘Beauty’

Amazing, intellect and intelligence,
the things we humans can do,
when we devote time and thought;
and which path do we take, 
what things do we pay our scientists
to research and conquer?
Short answer: weaponry,
tools of death,
necessary, sadly,
due to eternal enemies,
who would destroy us and our babies.
And the apparent impossibility
of mutual respect and love,
peace, and simply BEING.
… Is this what they mean
when they talk about competitive spirit
and competition being a good thing?
… It would seem, big and small,
we’re all, more or less, mafiosi,
by which I mean gangster scum,
constantly trying to “fuck” everyone.
And that is the opposite of beauty
and, what I think, God intended to be

(To be continued…)


Yes, beauty takes many forms,
and it would be wonderful,
if some kind of beauty
could indeed save the world.
But sadly, most people clearly,
have a tendency for ugly,
especially of the mind.
Moreover, alas, I don’t know of any war,
close or distant,
in which beauty
has beaten ugly.
It seems to be the way we were made
or chose to become.

(To be continued…)


With a sense of beauty in my mind’s eye,
keeping my gaze from oppressive reality,
I pray and believe I can proceed.
Some day, hopefully,
I will have traversed the mud,
and I will awaken in peace,
appreciated and loved.

(To be continued…)


The words, as arranged and lovingly presented,
are sage and deep, beautifully meaningful…
if people choose to think, consider, dwell.
But, alas, most people don’t want to think,
they want instant gratification, base, entertainment.

(To be continued…)


Beauty is
in the eye of the beholder,
likewise sanity,
and treason.

(To be continued…)


Making things harder than need be,
not appreciating ardency,
self-centered, self-aggrandizing,
sins against humanity.

(To be continued…)


Ah, yes, sometimes I am reminded,
of the wonderful, beautiful things
that we humans are capable of,
individually and collectively,
constructions, creativity,
utility, variety, poetry, and technology,
answering needs and desires. …
Yes, I am reminded of what
we humans can do,
and saddened, in turn,
to see what we more often actually do:
hurt, desecrate, denigrate, destroy.

(To be continued…)


Make the world a better place,
living grace, beautiful space,
so tomorrow, someone else,
evil force, can delight
in destroying it.

(To be continued…)


There’s a melancholy
in the festivity,
a hard-to-define sense of fragility,
and sadness.
Maybe that’s why I like it so much:
it’s honest, not hubris.
Delicate, discrete, kind,
I am willing and able
to play my role.
Conscience and subconscious,
my soul, demands
what is apt.

(To be continued…)


Ideas, and deep thinking,
hope expressed in silent ways,
wisdom that flies in the face of society,
perpetual goodness, utterly loving,
feasting, resting,
innocently arresting,
exuding, being,
humane, humanity…
This is us, God manifest.

(To be continued…)


“Mmm, I love beautiful, strong women…”
he says, longingly.
Which makes me wonder, pensively:
how many women exactly does he “love”?
And are these women beautiful
because they are strong,
or are they strong due to their beauty?

(To be continued…)


A beautiful dream…
Happiness, tinged with sadness,
tenderness, madness.

(To be continued…)


Inspiration, wisdom, and other beautiful things
which come in peace…
For you and me, dear reader, I pray
these things stay, and that we
are free to embrace, savor, and delight in
the ecstasy of enlightenment.

(To be continued…)


Day in and day out,
sublime and ridiculous
all at the same time.

(To be continued…)


Beauty, living in innocence,
while cruelness, ripens to fullness…
Purity and ignorance…
(In midst of dense jungle, perfidious deceit)
(In the face of lies)
Remaining heart-breakingly hopeful.
… Tomorrow, the fall.

(To be continued…)


Strange, and disturbing, how little we’ve advanced,
in the most important ways, I would say,
of caring and respecting each other,
humanity, being humane, gentleness and beauty.
Yes, there are aspects of progress,
but with more devices,
there is more division,
echo chambers of one’s own choosing,
more delusion, more bias, more hate.
It grieves me, it saddens my soul,
that many people seem to actually
enjoy destruction and horror:
as long as someone else is getting hurt,
they’re bizarrely and viscerally happy.
Alas, if ever there was a sense of shared humanity,
where has it gone, and is it lost forever?
Are we each always going to have to look worriedly
over our shoulders?
(God must despair at the scum we have become!)
What hope can we have for tomorrow
while people
actively choose evil
over good.

(To be continued…)


The words are deep and meaningful,
as I think, they are a beautiful,
fundamental truth;
but the words fade and dissolve
almost as soon as they are spoken out loud.
It’s as if being exposed to air,
or profane ears that hear,
renders the words
which were gorgeous in my mind,
now meaningless, misunderstood,

(To be continued…)


Nature is beautiful,
especially when you’re in the middle…
Eye of the cyclone.

(To be continued…)