Posts Tagged ‘Hope’

Yes, beauty takes many forms,
and it would be wonderful,
if some kind of beauty
could indeed save the world.
But sadly, most people clearly,
have a tendency for ugly,
especially of the mind.
Moreover, alas, I don’t know of any war,
close or distant,
in which beauty
has beaten ugly.
It seems to be the way we were made
or chose to become.

(To be continued…)


Faith fades, like piles of dry bones,
in bleaching, remorseless sunshine,
of disappointment, betrayal, despair.

(To be continued…)


With a sense of beauty in my mind’s eye,
keeping my gaze from oppressive reality,
I pray and believe I can proceed.
Some day, hopefully,
I will have traversed the mud,
and I will awaken in peace,
appreciated and loved.

(To be continued…)


What is hope?
Is it the most human of things,
a beautiful yearning,
the need to believe that
situations and circumstances
can and will be better?
I don’t know.
But I’m quite sure that dogs, cats,
pigs, cows, lions, tigers, bats,
and many, many more, animals hope,
in their own way,
in fact, their form of hope,
is probably purer than ours,
tinged as ours is, by “higher-order” thinking,
memory, analysis, reason, realism,
experience, disappointment, hurt,
perfidy, betrayal, treason,
and so on.
Alas, to hope, it seems,
is not particularly human.

(To be continued…)


We struggle, or fight, in myriad ways,
day after day after day,
so we can do more of the same tomorrow.
Perchance, one out of millions of us,
wins some kind of lottery.
This is hope, and futility.

(To be continued…)


They say, in hopeful tones,
that we are all the same,
fundamentally, evoking
understanding and connection,
thinking this is a good thing.
But, sadly, really, alas…
In fact, generally, the
lowest common denominator rules.
Humanity, ipso facto.
we are all trash,
determined, it seems, to destroy
whatever tomorrow might
have once possibly been.

(To be continued…)


A small hope, any kind of hope,
is a beautiful thing.
Nonetheless, alas, generally,
it is pitiful, and soon crushed
by the perpetual flood,
suffocation, throbbing migraine,
grinding weight of reality.

(To be continued…)


Fading and surging,
our lives are complicated,
ideals compromised.

(To be continued…)


Yes, I seek solace and guidance from the stars too.
Me, you, we, watching the sky, ardently,
it’s normal, human, natural.
And, very often, to do what we yearn,
we need and crave, indeed,
for “the stars to align”, as they say. 
Problem is, our neighborhood star, and life-force,
is a seething mass of nuclear fury.

(To be continued…)


Yes, of course, WE know better!
Our parents failed, but we can hope,
until we realize that we don’t,
and we can’t, and that NO ONE
is any better than anyone else,
yesterday or tomorrow.

(To be continued…)


Strange, and depressing,
the way we treat our heroes; 
while REAL criminals… 

(To be continued…)


Hope, smashed by grim facts!
Lingering feelings, reason,
feed my angst and fear.

(To be continued…)


Maybe not never,
if ever more people think
outside their orbits.

(To be continued…)


A work in progress, quashed.
An embodiment of hope, and decency,
of what humanity should be,
taken away.
But we will not forget:
this is legacy;
and, like atoms and star-dust,
he lives on, in us and with us.
May we be brave,
and perpetuate …

(To be continued…)


It’s not something that children
should have to think about or face,
neither adults for that matter.
We were not created, I believe,
to live in such evil days.
(And woe-betide those powers-that-be
who bring such shit upon us!!!)

(To be continued…)


Power plays, and diminishing days…
And wouldn’t it be nice
if politicians, the powers-that-be,
actually felt – keenly, completely –
the impact of their decisions.
(No question mark needed!)

(To be continued…)


Somehow… something… unplanned… happened.
Everyday banality, normality, reality, fealty
to things that never should have been,
but, nonetheless, now seem inevitable,
like war, divorce, and impotence.
But, really? Indeed, need it be?
What if tomorrow, some kind words
could change things for the better?
Moveable feasts, inevitability, and mindsets.

(To be continued…)


From deep it rises,
cold, despair, and hopelessness,
opposite of spring.

(To be continued…)