Posts Tagged ‘Peace’

In midst of noise, bombardment and confusion,
talking heads, contradiction infusing,
madness and dizziness sticks,
fear and panic sown, implanted;
distracted, I forget my meaning, purpose,
essence, and interests.
It drags me down, I need to detach,
I seek, and need, release…
Crave and yearn, peace.

(To be continued…)




Choose to be detached.
Defying expectations.
Distractions be damned!

(To be continued…)


With a sense of beauty in my mind’s eye,
keeping my gaze from oppressive reality,
I pray and believe I can proceed.
Some day, hopefully,
I will have traversed the mud,
and I will awaken in peace,
appreciated and loved.

(To be continued…)


Making things harder than need be,
not appreciating ardency,
self-centered, self-aggrandizing,
sins against humanity.

(To be continued…)


Now is not the time to be a hero?
Or, in fact it is,
albeit in a low-key,
survival, unglamorous
kind of way. … Yes!
Just get through the day!
As and when possible, try,
be good and do good.
One of these days, sometime,
tomorrow will be a better day.

(To be continued…)


Conversations flow…
Desperately seeking meaning,
my mind screams: LET GO!

(To be continued…)


In midst of existential war,
tyrants and fools declare
not despair
but peace.
Weirdly, of course,
but then, considering,
the powers-that-be cram
those who don’t understand,
or beg to disagree,
fifteen to a squalid cell
meant not even for three,
using rape and chlorine as means
for coercion,
it should quickly become apparent
that, sadly, their “island of peace”
is achieved only
through death.

(To be continued…)


Tiredness increases, fatigue bites,
and the edges of my perception seem softened,
but strangely, concurrently, (in retrospect, I reflect)
my appreciation and feeling for nuance
is heightened…
In my fuzzy mindset
I’m receptive to the gentle embrace,
the kindly caress and sage whisper,
of subtlety.

(To be continued…)


Peace and quiet,
freedom of space and time,
absence of burden,
without distraction and banality
loosened from compromise,
opportunity to think deeply,
to reflect, to be,
to seek and try, be wise…
In such beautiful times we will
find true purpose
and meaning in our existence,
writing masterful treatises,
I hope and pray,
or sadly, mainly, we will go mad, crazy,
missing stupid, mind-numbing entertainment.

(To be continued…)


Electricity, and humanity,
naturally default/adore
the path of least resistance,
logically, seeking peace,

(To be continued…)


Inspiration, wisdom, and other beautiful things
which come in peace…
For you and me, dear reader, I pray
these things stay, and that we
are free to embrace, savor, and delight in
the ecstasy of enlightenment.

(To be continued…)


Is there anything so wrong with fantasy
if (peacefully) it helps you survive reality?

(To be continued…)


I hear, and I feel, peace…
can I dare hope it will continue?
The beautiful enormity of silence,
peaceful, caresses my soul,
and I believe (in these times)
that I can be healed, whole.

(To be continued…)


Peace, and quiet,
opposite of riot,
external reprieve (yes please!) …
My internal, generally,
is as cacophonous
as I can deal.
… Shh!
Wisdom pending.

(To be continued…)


Imagine… Another time and place,
corrugated space,
beautiful mind and pretty face,
waves gently lapping onto the shore…
At peace, in peace, such a place,
where I can be pain-free, burdenless, me…

(To be continued…)


Sometimes, the best thing is nothing…
There’s a certain clarity,
a peaceful bliss,
in absence.

(To be continued…)


is enough to make many people smile.
So why do I raise my eyebrows, sigh,
and frown?
Fucking birdsong!

(To be continued…)


It makes no sense,
and I surely didn’t ask for it,
yet another unrelated-related *problem*.

Strange thing is, no matter how small or banal,
each problem demands major attention-and-action,
forthwith, here-and-now,
as if *it* is the most important thing
in the world.

(To be continued…)