Posts Tagged ‘Life’

The protestors, it is said,
are so disgusted by the continuing oppressions
that they’re ready to sacrifice their lives for freedom.
Which makes me wonder:
is death a kind of liberty,
or, is death the ultimate captivity,
a state from which there is no escape?

Maybe the reward is in the afterlife,
whatever that may actually be.
Maybe the sacrifice is in fact for others,
people unknown and diverse;
as such, these freedom martyrs truly are heroes,
whose memory and deeds we and future beings
should celebrate perpetually…
This too is an afterlife.

(To be continued…)


Is one death more tragic than another?
Is one life more valuable than another?
Is any judgment better than the other?
Some of us will swear *yes*,
and think otherwise tomorrow.

(To be continued…)


Is it the end, or the beginning?
Something new, or something old?
Originality, or return to shared space?
… In any case, sometimes I’m so tired,
and pained, that I can imagine welcoming
it’s embrace.
But then I too fear that
there’s nothing beyond.
If only it were like sleeping,
with a hope of waking,
to live/fight another day.

(To be continued…)


Beautiful blue sky…
Bombs are falling!
…Your place or mine?

(To be continued…)


Bird on wire fence, outside gas plant,
thinking about the strangeness,
of current geopolitical “situation”.

This thing they call gas,
a source of energy and heat that people rely upon,
it comes out of the ground, the Earth,
it’s been manufactured by natural processes,
surely, if it’s useful, it’s our common property,
not to be exploited, or leveraged as a weapon,
a tool, against perceived enemies.
But such stupidity and cruelty is fundamentally a hallmark of humanity, utterly selfish and ultimately short-sighted.
This strange, nebulous gift from the recesses of earth, surely belongs to everyone: human, animal, plant, being, thing.

(To be continued…)


Time flies!
Cliché, and ominous warning.
Who truly knows what will be, beyond?

(To be continued…)


Bizarre, strange, surreal:
Sometimes, I need and feel…
compelled, to pick the scab,
so I can see and know,
that underneath the wound,
I still have blood which runs,
and functions…

(To be continued…)


Why would I deny myself
this small pleasure,
this indulgence,
even if it means tomorrow is less?
In this world of pain-and-grief-and-death,
who knows if tomorrow will even exist?

(To be continued…)


In my opinion,

friend, Roman, citizen,

whatever you want to portray, portend:

It is better to kick a bucket,

of your choosing,

than trip over it…


(To be continued…)







There is so much wonderful weirdness,

which comes together to make this planet work,

and so little that we humans truly understand;

below our feet and way out deep,

immensity of universe…


(To be continued…)











best as you can manage,

despite the powers that be and various perfidy.

Delude, derange, pretend, endure…

Life in this world “we” have made.


(To be continued…)







Sometimes in this manifestation of life, 

it seems, the best we can hope for, 

is to do as little damage as possible, 

to self and each other.


(To be continued…)







From a dark place I emerge,

from an empty shell I am brought back to life.

… Sordid endeavor, can it be so “bad”,

when it restores what feels like

my very essence and being.


(To be continued…)







Sometimes dreams come true;

usually, alas, it seems nightmares do!


(To be continued…)







To wonder is human,

to be unsure, uncertain,

pondering, insecure.

Hubris and boastful certainty is decadence,

whether scientific or otherwise.

… As long as we think, to varying extents, we’re alive!

Only in death, as Lev Tolstoy realized,

will we know everything, or cease asking.


(To be continued…)







Tomorrow, we might die.

So, tonight, we must eat and drink to excess,

make up for lost time.


(To be continued…)







Interests collided,

war and death decided,

future direction

forged by wasted lives…

Blood, agony, tears,

reasons to fight again.


(To be continued…)







Once the smell of death gets into your nostrils,

it lives.

Rotting decay, repulsive stench lingers;

life after death.


(To be continued…)
